About ECP Ventures

We offer a high integrity option for business owners that need high quality M&A representation to assist with their transactions.

A "Great Transaction" is one where everyone walks away from the table feeling like a winner!
  • Cliff W Gardner
    Cliff W Gardner
  • Eric Wihelm
    Eric Wihelm

We have both worked for several multi-billion dollar companies so it was quite a shock getting involved with Lower Middle Market (LMM) sized companies from 5M to 100M.

Those surprises included disreputable brokers charging unsuspecting business owners upfront fees as well as selling their companies for a value far below market (flipping) just to earn a fee. It also included transaction savvy buyers swiping sellers' companies (sweat equity) for far less than the company's actual value. We were also quite shocked to see how many business owners commit blatant tax evasion. 

We are proud to state that we are a Christian firm and that we offer a high integrity option for business owners that need high quality representation to assist with their transactions. Our purpose in life is to serve and to help others every day of our lives. We used to say that we represent business owners. We now say that we "represent and protect" business owners. Our purpose is to be your trusted advisor!

Plus, truth be told, we really enjoy balancing out the negotiation table while negotiating on behalf of our high quality clients. We rigorously evaluate prospective clients and we only accept high quality, high character clients that we can represent with pride and confidence. We enjoy a very high close rate due to the quality of clients we represent.